Facebook, Meta, the Zuckerverse – no matter what you call it, there’s no denying this platform has earned its high-ranking place in the realm of social media. (After all, it’s still the only one with an award-winning feature film about its origin story.)

What’s more, Facebook is still the head of the class as the leading social media platform used by marketers worldwide. Marketing pros in the know take FB seriously, due in no small part to its potential reach of more than 2 billion Facebook users across the globe.

If you’re looking to manageably scale with Facebook Ads, but aren’t sure where to start, then a Facebook Ads agency partnership might be just what you’re looking for.

What is a Facebook Ads Agency?

A Facebook Ads agency is a team of professionals who work with clients to help them create, build, and optimize Facebook Ad campaigns.

A Facebook advertising agency is tasked with the ins and outs of managing and growing a successful Facebook marketing strategy. They’re familiar with the latest app offerings, the various ad types, and how to best connect with your target audience on the platform.

What Does a Facebook Ads Agency Do?

The tasks and actions a Facebook agency takes on will look different depending on your unique business and the agency you choose to partner up with.

Some agencies, for example, focus just on Facebook or paid social, while others (like us) offer a full suite of digital marketing services, from paid social and PPC to SEO and email marketing.

There are pros and cons to each: A Facebook-only agency may potentially have more experience with ads on this platform or managing Facebook business ad accounts in your industry.

A full-service agency, on the other hand, can help unify your various siloed marketing efforts so everything works together and results are greater than the sum of their parts.

Either way, a proper agency will work with you on elements like:

  • Audience targeting (more on that below)
  • Choosing the right ad types and budget
  • Crafting effective ad visuals and messaging
  • Setting up proper tracking
  • Creating optimized landing pages
  • Monitoring results and conducting A/B tests
  • Regular optimizations based on performance data

Enhance Your Paid Social Efforts

Your business is too important to let just anyone handle your Facebook Ads.

You need a partner capable of delivering results like these:

Results are everything

HawkSEM in 90 seconds

Facebook Ads: What Are the Benefits?

As mentioned above, one of the biggest advantages of this social media marketing channel is its incomparable reach. Data shows that Facebook continues to reign supreme as the platform with the most active global users.

Along with reach, the benefits of Facebook Ads include:

  • The ability to target all stages of the buyer’s journey
  • Transparent audience targeting options
  • Behavior and lifestyle-based targeting options
  • Multiple ad types and formats
  • The ability to target your competition’s audience
  • Engagement metrics from both on and off the app
  • Remarketing opportunities

Facebook & Instagram Advertising: Under the Meta Umbrella

Another benefit of Facebook Ads is how seamlessly they can be exported or repurposed for Instagram Ads. That’s because both platforms are actually owned by Meta. Along with ease of campaign execution, you can also view metrics for both platforms in real-time in the same Analytics tab via your Facebook Business profile.

And if you want to make gauging performance even easier than that? There’s ConversionIQ.

What’s ConversionIQ, you ask?

ConversionIQ is HawkSEM’s not-so-secret sauce to help clients get more qualified lead generation and close more sales. This proprietary technology gathers all of your marketing data – across platforms, customer relationship management tools like Salesforce, apps like Facebook, Google Analytics, you name it – and syncs it into one easy-to-navigate dashboard hub.

The result?

More actionable insights, full-funnel attribution, and high-quality conversions that help you crush your marketing goals – and then some.

ConversionIQ in Action

See it in Action

Facebook Ad Types

Speaking of ad formats, Facebook has a sizable number to choose from, including standard, multimedia, immersive, and more.

Facebook’s advertising platform offers these ad options to support various business goals:

  • Image ads

    These standard ads feature a single image to promote a product, service, or general brand. Many businesses include words in their visuals to give the viewer more context.

  • Story ads

    Story content started out on Instagram and has since migrated to Facebook. These full-screen ads can feature images or videos and are only served via mobile.

  • Instant Experience ads

    Create an interactive full-screen landing page with rich media without requiring viewers to leave the Facebook app.

  • Carousel ads

    This is an ideal ad type for ecommerce brands in particular. Carousel ads can include up to 10 images or videos, each with its own respective link, header, or description.

  • Collection ads

    These ads are similar to Carousel ads, but with a bit more customization. These immersive ads allow brands with lots of different products to showcase multiple items in one image.

  • Lead ads

    This mobile-only ad type aims to make it as easy as possible for someone to submit their contact info details in exchange for something, whether it be a demo request, a newsletter subscription, or a free trial.

  • Video ads

    Add an eye-catching visual to your Facebook ad. It’s worth noting that, while videos can be up to 240 minutes long, the platform recommends keeping videos under 15 seconds for maximum effectiveness.

  • Slideshow ads

    If you want the benefits and engagement of a video ad but don’t have a ton of experience creating video marketing, Slideshow ads are a great option. They create a slideshow with 3-10 provided images.

  • Messenger ads

    Similar to LinkedIn Message Ads, these ads show up in the Messenger section of your app. Because the person can respond to your ad like an organic direct message, it encourages interaction.

Facebook Ads Objectives

To help you reach your business goals, Facebook offers six choices of marketing campaign objectives.

These are:

Brand awareness - Best for targeting top-of-funnel audience members to increase reach as well as actions like video views

Traffic - Attract people to your website or Facebook Shop, particularly for a limited-time offer or special event

Engagement - Ideal for top- or middle-funnel audiences who could use nurturing

Leads - Suited for targeting bottom-funnel, qualified potential customers through ads

Sales - Best for bottom-funnel leads primed to convert and make a purchase

App promotion - These ads serve to drive people to your app to check out a feature, make a purchase, or simply download your app

The 686 team came to HawkSEM seeking a creative, strategic SEM agency to help the snowboarding and winter apparel brand meet its ROI and ecommerce sales goals. Through working with their team to build a strong paid social media advertising strategy that included dynamic marketing on Facebook, along with revamping their paid search campaigns, 686 saw a 303% increased return on ad spend (ROAS) and a 186% conversion rate increase.

See the full case study

Audience Targeting on Facebook

One major edge Facebook has over other social media platforms is its targeting capabilities. Despite data sharing changes and updates based on user privacy concerns taking some past targeting options off the table (such as religious and political affiliation, certain interests, and some organization ties), the platform still offers a handful of ways to find your ideal client personas.

For starters, Facebook can show your ads to relevant users automatically. To get more granular, you have three audience options:

1. Custom audiences

2. Core audiences

3. Lookalike audiences

1. Custom audiences

These are the people who are already familiar with your brand and your product or service – perhaps they’ve been to your website, have purchased from you in the past, or downloaded your app. As such, these are the prime candidates for your remarketing efforts.

2. Core audiences

Core audiences are what they sound like: They’re your standard audience based on various demographic categories. These categories include location, interests and hobbies, behavior, age, and job title, as well as Connections, which are those who have “liked” your Facebook business profile or event page.

3. Lookalike audiences

Lookalike audiences can be powerful, particularly amid all the changes to what access marketers are given to user data. You can build lookalike audiences off of people who engage with your brand and/or are already familiar with your offerings.

Meet The Team

Facebook Ads & SEO

Just like search engine optimization (SEO) best practices can help support your Google Ads efforts (through things like quality content marketing and a UX-friendly website), the same goes for Facebook ad strategies.

Stumped on copywriting or ad creative? If you’ve got an organic post that saw high engagement, you can either mirror this messaging or take things a step further and turn the organic post into an ad, also called a “boosted post.” The same goes for visuals – if your graphic designer knocked it out of the park on an infographic or other visual, you can repurpose this content in your ad strategy.

Facebook Advertising Services: What Agencies Offer

Now that you’ve got a good grasp on what a Facebook Ads agency is, you’re probably wondering how they can help you – and what they bring to the table.

While no two agencies are exactly alike, Facebook Ads is a unique, specific platform. Because of this, you should be able to get a pretty clear idea of what Facebook ads management services this type of agency will offer.

HawkSEM’s Facebook Ad service deliverables:

  • Competitive Analysis

  • A/B Testing Strategy

  • Market Research

  • Ad Copy Creation

  • Key Platforms & Opportunity Identification

  • Tracking Audit & Implementation

  • Advertising Strategy & Campaign Execution

  • Bidding Strategy & Optimization

  • Audience Builds & Strategy

  • Customized Reporting

  • Competitive Analysis

    We deep-dive into your direct competitors, auditing their paid ads via the Facebook Transparency tool (or another platform-specific tool) to better understand your industry’s current landscape.

  • Market Research

    Once you’ve gotten a feel for your competitors’ efforts, we move on to auditing indirect competitors and industry trends to paint a bigger, clearer picture of where your brand stands to determine how to gain market share.

  • Key Platforms & Opportunity Identification

    Our team reviews your unique social scope of work so we can better identify and prioritize relevant opportunities within the Facebook platform.

  • Audience Builds & Strategy

    As mentioned above, Facebook offers a variety of audience targeting options. With that in mind, we identify key full-funnel audience strategies as needed, for prospecting (upper), mid-funnel, and low funnel (retargeting and/or retention) opportunities.

  • Advertising Strategy & Campaign Execution

    Now, the fun begins. When it’s time to get your campaigns up and running, we’ll work with you to build a full-funnel strategy that includes advertising budget, bid type, audience types, optimization objective by audience, targeting and thoughtful ad copy messaging, and recommendations for ad creative, visual elements, and landing pages.

  • A/B Testing Strategy

    From ad formats to copy, A/B testing is a crucial part of the optimization process (don’t let another agency tell you any different). We take the time to pinpoint key testing opportunities upon launch to limit variables tested by campaign and maximize learnings for optimization. Then, we review performance and heatmapping to identify opportunities to improve landing pages.

  • Ad Copy Creation

    The right ad copy can be make-or-break for your campaign’s success. That’s why we explore value propositions and brand voice to create multiple variations of copy for testing, then analyze the metrics to see what resonates most with your audience.

  • Tracking Audit & Implementation

    Facebook tracking happens with the Meta Pixel (formerly called Facebook Pixel). Essentially, this is a piece of code on your website that can help you better understand the effectiveness of your advertising efforts, as well as user behavior on your website. Our team of paid social experts will review your Pixel to ensure everything is firing properly and that key events are included within Aggregated Events Manager. We’ll also check to see if ConversionsAPI is set up and implement it if needed.

  • Bidding Strategy & Optimization

    This service involves recommending bid strategies and types by the audience, such as lowest cost, bid cap, cost cap, and return on ad spend (ROAS).

  • Customized Reporting

    Let’s get nerdy for a sec: we pride ourselves on our custom reporting dashboards. We create these based on your desired KPIs, integrating CRM data into ConversionIQ, if applicable.

The LendingPoint team came to HawkSEM for help with paid search and Facebook remarketing. After taking the reins and revamping their initiatives with Google and Microsoft paid search as well as Facebook campaigns, the personal loans firm saw their expectations exceeded and goals effectively crushed in a matter of months.

Why Should You Partner with a Facebook Ads Agency?

From home improvement to financial management, a DIY approach can only take you so far.

When you’re looking for real results and serious scaling, then it helps to call in the professionals.

That’s what you get with a Facebook Ads agency. Whether they partner with your in-house team or you hand over the reins to all of your social profiles, these agencies can be the catalyst for improved performance and boosted results, so you can foster business growth while focusing on what matters most to you.

Facebook Marketing Agency Pricing

Typically, marketing agencies (like HawkSEM) price their services as a simple flat fee. However, some agencies will charge a percentage of ad spend or offer performance-based pricing.

Here’s a breakdown of typical agency pricing models.

Flat fee

With a straightforward flat-free model, the agency charges a consistent monthly fee, with no add-ons or unexpected fluctuations. There may be a one-time onboarding or setup fee.

Percentage of Ad Spend

As a commission-based pricing model, percentage of ad spend involves paying the agency a percentage of your monthly ad budget, usually between 10%-30%.

Performance-Based Fees

For this payment setup, you pay the digital marketing agency based on the leads they bring in for you. While this may sound appealing at first, you want to be sure the agency is focused on quality leads, just not the quantity of them.

HawkSEM has been hand-selected as a Google Premier Partner and Microsoft Advertising Partner

We make things happen …but don’t take our word for it:

  • CSUN

  • Patch Of Land

  • Google Partner

  • Google Premier Agency

The Bottom Line

Finding a Facebook Ads marketing agency that feels like an extension of your team is no easy feat. It involves putting your trust, your brand’s reputation, and your budget on the line, and we take that seriously.

Our clients average a 4.5X return on investment (ROI) — and we have a 98% retention rate. In short, we know digital marketing, and we know Facebook. We pride ourselves on being official Meta Business Partners and Microsoft Advertising partners. What’s more, Google’s Premier Partners network has named HawkSEM as one of the top 3% of agencies in the country.

Our team of senior-level marketing experts have years of experience helping companies of all sizes – from small business startups to enterprise brands – garner impressive social media management results through targeted campaigns that guide viewers from click to closed sale. Want to join the ranks of happy, satisfied customers? We’d love to have you – and get you the results you deserve.

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No BS, just results. Average clients see a 4.5x ROI

  • Dramatically improve ROI
  • Outperform the competition
  • Increase conversion volume
  • Better track ROI
  • Reduce cost per acquisition
  • Improve lead quality